Quick Start

You can check out What is Turbine? to learn more about the Turbine before beginning.

In this guide, you will create your first Turbine project and gain an understanding of its structure and ECS game development design pattern.

Before we begin let's make sure your local environment is set up with the proper prerequisites.


  1. flow-cli (installation)

  2. node.js(v16+) (installation)


Setup with an empty project

First, we need to use Flow Super Commands flow setup to initialize an empty project. By default, it will create the basic folder structure and a flow.json configuration.

Running the command:

> flow setup my-project

The folder structure created is this:

|- /cadence
    |- /contracts // folder should contain all your Cadence contracts
    |- /scripts // folder should contain all your Cadence scripts
    |- /transactions // folder should contain all your Cadence transactions
    |- /tests // folder should contain all your Cadence tests,
|- flow.json // is a configuration file for your project
|- README.md

Now, you can install Turbine's core library.

Running the command to create a package.json and add core library of Turbine to the project.

pnpm init
pnpm add @turbine-cdc/core

To facilitate future development and usage, you can update the package.json file with the following fields:

"exports": {
    "./contracts/*": "./contracts/*.cdc",
    "./transactions/*": "./transactions/*.cdc",
    "./scripts/*": "./scripts/*.cdc",
    "./flow.json": "./flow.json"
  "scripts": {
    "deploy:emulator": "flow project deploy --update",
    "deploy:testnet": "flow project deploy --update --network testnet",
    "deploy:mainnet": "flow project deploy --update --network mainnet",
    "dev": "pnpm deploy:emulator"

Currently, you have installed the core contract library of Turbine. Now you need to add those contracts to your project's flow.json file.

Update your flow.json file to add the following data to the proper fields:

  "contracts": {
    "CapabilityComponent": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/components/CapabilityComponent.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "Context": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/core-utils/Context.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "CoreEntity": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/CoreEntity.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "CoreWorld": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/CoreWorld.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "DisplayComponent": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/components/DisplayComponent.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "EntityManager": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/core-utils/EntityManager.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "EntityQuery": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/core-utils/EntityQuery.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "IComponent": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/interfaces/IComponent.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "IEntity": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/interfaces/IEntity.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "IModule": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/interfaces/IModule.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "ISystem": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/interfaces/ISystem.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "IWorld": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/interfaces/IWorld.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "PropertyComponent": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/components/PropertyComponent.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
    "WorldUtils": {
      "source": "./node_modules/@turbine-cdc/core/contracts/core-utils/WorldUtils.cdc",
      "aliases": {
        "emulator": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "testnet": "3102c5131b585d67"
  "deployments": {
    "emulator": {
      "emulator-account": [

Now you have completed the installation of the Turbine Framework core library.

Let's start building an FOC game!

Setup using Turbine scaffold

Working in progress

In order to facilitate project maintenance, we recommend organizing the contracts directory in the following way:

|- /components // folder should contain all your component contracts.
|- /system // folder should contain all your system contracts.
|- MyModule.cdc // will import all components and systems for registration.
|- MyPlatform.cdc // (Optional) is used to centrally manage the worlds.


Components in Turbine

Component is the actual carrier of data in Entity. Learn more

All components in the Turbine must implement the IComponent contract interface. You should not implement any business logic in the Component. It should only define data structures or handle data reading and writing.

Here is an example:

import "IComponent"

pub contract CounterComponent: IComponent {

    /// Events
    // Your Code: Events

    /// The component implementation
    pub resource Component: IComponent.DataProvider, IComponent.DataSetter {
        access(all) var enabled: Bool
        access(contract) let kv: {String: AnyStruct}

        init() {
            self.enabled = true
            self.kv = {}
            /// Your code: setup default key values
            self.kv["counter"] = 0 as UInt64

        /// --- General Interface methods ---

        /// Returns the keys of the component
        access(all) fun getKeys(): [String] {
            return [
                // Your code: all valid keys

        /// Sets the value of the key
        access(all) fun setData(_ kv: {String: AnyStruct}): Void {
            // Your code: how to store the data
            if kv["counter"] != nil {
                self.kv["counter"] = kv["counter"] as! UInt64? ?? panic("Invalid counter")

        /// --- Component Specific methods ---
        // Your code: read and write methods

        /// Sets countter
        fun getCounter(): UInt64 {
            return self.kv["counter"] as! UInt64? ?? panic("Invalid counter")
        fun increment(amount: UInt64) {
            let currentValue = self.getCounter()
            self.setData({ "counter": currentValue + amount })

    /// The component factory resource
    pub resource Factory: IComponent.ComponentFactory {
        /// The create function for the component factory resource
        pub fun create(): @Component {
            return <- create Component()

        /// Returns the type of the component
        pub fun instanceType(): Type {
            return Type<@Component>()

    /// The create function for the entity factory resource
    pub fun createFactory(): @Factory {
        return <- create Factory()

Systems in Turbine

Turbine was built with a complete separation of data (via components) and logic (the stateless contracts). These stateless pieces of logic are what we call systems in Turbine. Learn more

In the previous Component section, we created a CounterComponent. Now we can create an IncrementSystem.cdc to operate on that component.

Before that, let's introduce a utility library called EntityQuery.cdc.

EntityQuery - the way to query entities from the systems

In the core library, there is a dedicated tool contract for searching entities. It mainly refers to the design of Entity querying in Unity.

The contract contains a Builder Struct, you can perform queries on entities through that.

import "EntityQuery"

let query = EntityQuery.Builder()
query.withAll(types: [
// Execute Query requires a world context which will be introduced in the next section
let entities = query.executeQuery(world)

Now we can create the IncrementSystem.cdc.

import "Context"
import "IWorld"
import "ISystem"
import "EntityQuery"
import "IdentityComponent"

pub contract IncrementSystem: ISystem {

    pub resource System: ISystem.CoreLifecycle, Context.Consumer {
        let worldCap: Capability<&AnyResource{Context.Provider, IWorld.WorldState}>
        var enabled: Bool

            _ world: Capability<&AnyResource{Context.Provider, IWorld.WorldState}>
        ) {
            self.worldCap = world
            self.enabled = true

        /// Query the player by username
        fun incrementAll(amount: UInt64) {
            let query = EntityQuery.Builder()
            query.withAll(types: [
            let world = self.borrowWorld()
            let entities = query.executeQuery(world)
            for entity in entities {
                if let comp = entity.borrowComponent(Type<@CounterComponent.Component>()) {
                    let counter = comp as! &CounterComponent.Component
                    counter.increment(amount: amount)

        /// System event callback to add the work that your system must perform every frame.
        fun onUpdate(_ dt: UFix64): Void {
            // NOTHING

    /// The system factory resource
    pub resource SystemFactory: ISystem.SystemFactory {
        /// Creates a new system
        pub fun create(
            world: Capability<&AnyResource{Context.Provider, IWorld.WorldState}>
        ): @System {
            return <- create System(world)

        /// Returns the type of the system
        pub fun instanceType(): Type {
            return Type<@System>()

    /// The create function for the system factory resource
    pub fun createFactory(): @SystemFactory {
        return <- create SystemFactory()

When calling the incrementAll method of System, it will find all Entities in World that contain CounterComponent and call their increment method to modify the values.

What needs to be noted here is that each System can have an onUpdate method. This method will be synchronously called when the update method of the world is called. If there is a need to implement some logic that changes over time, it can be written inside the onUpdate method.

World in Turbine

World is the context of the game, and the resource contains all entities and systems resources for the game

You don't need to implement another World contract anymore, because Turbine has already provided a standard implementation of World called CoreWorld.

So you need to have a resource of CoreWorld's WorldManager to initialize your game world.

import "CoreWorld"

/// Create a new game world
fun createWorld(
    _ admin: Capability<&AuthAccount>,
    name: String
) {
    // Borrow the admin account
    let acct = admin.borrow() ?? panic("Could not borrow admin account")

    // Fetch or create the world manager
    var worldMgr: &CoreWorld.WorldManager? = nil
    if !CoreWorld.hasManager(acct: acct.address) {
        worldMgr = CoreWorld.createManager(admin: admin)
    } else {
        worldMgr = acct.borrow<&CoreWorld.WorldManager>(from: CoreWorld.WorldManagerStoragePath)
    assert(worldMgr != nil, message: "Could not borrow world manager")
    // Create the world. The second parameter can also accept a list of System's types.
    // This is used to perform the initialization of System during creation.
    let world = worldMgr!.create(name, withSystems: [])

When you call the create method of WorldManager, It will automatically create a World resource Instance in the Admin account and assign its World Capability to the WorldManager for control.

Module: the way to register components and systems to the world

In some of the sections above, I think you have already noticed. In the implementation of CounterComponent and IncrementSystem, there are some Factory methods included. We need to register these Factories into the World in order to conveniently perform operations through the WorldManager at runtime.

Module is a type of contract used to uniformly register them into the World.

import "IComponent"
import "ISystem"
import "IModule"
import "CounterComponent"
import "IncrementSystem"

pub contract SampleModule: IModule {

    pub resource Module: IModule.Installer  {

        /// Returns the name of the module
        access(all) view
        fun getName(): String {
            return "SampleModule"

        /// Loads the system factories that are provided by the module.
        fun loadSystemFactories(): @[AnyResource{ISystem.SystemFactory}] {
            let ret: @[AnyResource{ISystem.SystemFactory}] <- []
            ret.append(<- IncrementSystem.createFactory())
            return <- ret

        /// Loads the component factories that are provided by the module.
        fun loadComponentFactories(): @[AnyResource{IComponent.ComponentFactory}] {
            let ret: @[AnyResource{IComponent.ComponentFactory}] <- []
            ret.append(<- CounterComponent.createFactory())
            return <- ret

    pub fun createModule(): @Module {
        return <- create Module()

Now we can change the previous createWorld method: installing the SampleModule into the new world through the installModule method provided by WorldManager.

import "CoreWorld"
import "SampleModule"

/// Create a new game world
fun createWorld(
    _ admin: Capability<&AuthAccount>,
    name: String
) {
    // Borrow the admin account
    let acct = admin.borrow() ?? panic("Could not borrow admin account")

    // Fetch or create the world manager
    var worldMgr: &CoreWorld.WorldManager? = nil
    if !CoreWorld.hasManager(acct: acct.address) {
        worldMgr = CoreWorld.createManager(admin: admin)
    } else {
        worldMgr = acct.borrow<&CoreWorld.WorldManager>(from: CoreWorld.WorldManagerStoragePath)
    assert(worldMgr != nil, message: "Could not borrow world manager")
    // Create the world. The second parameter can also accept a list of System's types.
    // This is used to perform the initialization of System during creation.
    let world = worldMgr!.create(name, withSystems: [])
    // Install the module to the world
    worldMgr!.installModule(to: name, <- SampleModule.createModule())

Last updated